The ultimate anti ageing combination

Happy New Year to a wiser yet younger you! 

Yes, really! This is not going to be your average year, in fact I hope its going to be your best year yet.   This year you get to turn back the clock, be your wiser self in your younger body.  Because now you can repair and renew like never before. Whether you had a sober Christmas or partied YOU have the tools to heal and the secrets to youth are right here.

One of the most exciting developments in wellness is the recent discovery that we have a set of longevity genes, 7 in fact called SIRTUINS (SIRT) and they repair DNA damage and help reverse ageing.  

But how do we do this? 

“To reverse ageing we need to trigger the longevity genes. We need to push the body to use these genes rather than leaving them under utilised’.  – Prof David Sinclair (Author of Lifespan )

Adding physical stress, sweating, exposure to cold, experiencing hunger and incorporating daily exercise, wakes up the genes to go and repair damaged DNA to prevent extra damage and restore our youth.

The first on the list is the magic ingredient required to kick the longevity genes to clean up. 

Nicotinamide Adenine Dinucleotide (NAD+). Is the magic ingredient when it comes to turning on the longevity genes. NAD+ is important for energy production and cellular function, but it declines as we get older. 

So how can we continue to produce NAD+?

1.ADD a derivative of Vitamin B3 to your diet known as NMN.  
Nicotinamide Mononucleotide (NMN) is a naturally occurring molecule and a precursor to NAD+. Studies have shown NMN reverses vascular ageing, stimulates blood vessel growth and boosts stamina and endurance.  NMN reduces the physical and neurological decline associated with ageing. 

NMN may improve adult human metabolism, rendering it more like that of someone ten or twenty years younger” – Shade et al (2020)

(NMN can be added to the diet and is safely taken as a powder or capsule).  NMN may lower blood pressure so consult a professional for advice.

To ensure NMN converts to NAD+  we add TMG (trimethylglycine) a natural occurring substance in the body. Sometimes referred to as betaine, TMG has anti-inflammatory properties, can boost your exercise performance and protects both your liver and your heart.

 (Taking a good quality B supplement is recommended)

 NMN + TMG + B complex = REVERSES AGEING!!!

For a 10% discount on NMN and TMG at use the code: BLNUTRITION. 

We have been subtly waking our longevity genes in the Blue Zone communities without even knowing it.  Dan Buettner’s book “The Blue Zones”  shows us that those on a plant-based diet live longer.

Moving to a more plant-based diet, mainly vegetables, legumes and whole grains with less dairy, meat and sugar will support longevity.  A little good quality, grass fed, unprocessed meat or fish, in a predominantly plant-based diet, will reduce blood sugar and blood pressure, will help you live longer and stay healthier. 

Studies in Lifespan state eating 15 – 20% less calories and intermittent fasting (try eating within a 10-hour window and leaving 14-hours overnight from the last food ingested until your breakfast). Studies show this increases longevity with life long cases and furthermore hunger activates the longevity genes!

The worst culprits for DNA damage are Nitrites in processed meats especially bacon and tobacco.

4. SWEAT EVERYDAY for example a 30-minute jog 5 times a week, boosts the NAD+  and or take an Infrared sauna 3 or 4 times a week. 

5. HIIT 
High-Intensity Interval Training (HIIT) 
produces the greatest number of SIRT genes, (15-minute circuit training where you sweat and are unable to speak more than a couple of words!)

Exposing your body to less than comfortable temperatures turns on the longevity genes, a walk in the cold, slightly underdressed, feet in the cold winter water, increases the heart rate and yes you guessed it turns on the longevity genes.  In a 2006 study, mice modified to live 1/2 a degree cooler lived far longer! 

Please do not hesitate to get in touch for a free 15-minute call to discuss further.  For further information and references you are welcome to email me. 
Much Love,