Stress & Sleep


The Winter 2021 Health & Wellness Transformation Kit.  Each product within the kit was chosen to radically boost energy during winter. They also help with immunity & stress defense.

This box includes all of the items listed below. It also includes:

  • Ashwaghanda & Passiflora products
  • Bridget’s tips on Ayurvedic morning routine
  • Resources for Meditation & Yoga


Vitamin D The acceptable levels of this mineral are far lower than recent research has shown leaving us short for adequate immune support. Where adequate levels are considered above 77nmol/l, we are now looking at levels of 150-200nmol/l. Many of us who are from hot countries are at greater risk, when moving to colder countries as we have fewer skin receptors to take in Vitamin D, and subsequently we can be exposed to illness and disease.

Vitamin C Supports our liver health and offers antiviral support which is much needed right now. This form of Vitamin C is highly absorbed and has been used in Covid-19 hospital wards to improve recovery of patients.

Vitamin B Complex Much needed for all our cellular function and can contribute to reduce our stress. Thorne Stress B Complex provides adequate levels of B vitamins which are generally too low in multivitamins.

Magnesium (Citrate or Glycinate) Both highly absorbable and used in over 300 processes in the body. In the US doctors claim a majority of women are deficient in this important mineral.

Zinc For immunity, protein and DNA synthesis hair skin and nails Omega 3- the master of controlling our inflammation this fat is essential to move the body down the anti inflammatory pathway to prevent disease and support our health.

Probiotics For any of us who have ever had antibiotics during our lifetime, then probiotics are a must to restore our gut flora and additional Aloe Vera will support the restoration of the gut wall.

Relax and Revive Bath Salts with essential oils To unwind and decompress giving us time alone