Take Control of Your Health by Eating Right

Take Control of Your Health by Eating Right

I cannot stress how important it is to take control of your health by eating right. Dr Gary Martin Ethnobotanist, founder and director of the Global Diversity Foundation is a good example of how to do that. 

Outside the hustle of Marrakech lies the tranquil 8 acre estate Jnane Tamsna. It is set amongst date palms amidst olive trees, white bougainvillea, organic vegetable patches, and herb gardens. I am here to discuss Diversity and Diet with Dr. Gary Martin Ethnobotanist, founder and director of the Global Diversity Foundation.

Diagnosed with Spondyloarthritis at the age of 55

In 2014 Dr. Martin was suffering from extreme pain in every part of his body. Eventually he decided to take control of his own health and diet.

Seeking medical help and taking tests, the doctor found his inflammatory marker C reactive protein was sky high. He was prescribed a protocol of medication consisting of anti-inflammatory drugs.

Knowing this to be a main contributor to leaky gut and agreeing to take as little as possible, Dr. Martin decided instead to follow an elimination diet. He began to remove all starch. Instead, he lived on fresh fruit, vegetables, nuts and dried fruits. He also fed on a little fish, some goats cheese and goat yogurt, turmeric, black pepper.

Three years later his inflammatory markers are right down and he came off all anti-inflammatory drugs. In fact his doctor asked him what he did so she could share it with all her clients.

At the age of 60 and knowing that greater diversity is required Dr. Martin has put starches back in his diet. He is, however, very selective with his options.

Incorporating the right foods, he remains free of pain. I can barely keep up with him whilst he is walking his devoted dog or rushing to the next meeting with the local farmers.

The collaboration with local communities supports the Moroccan locals whilst raising awareness to guests of the Jnane Tamsna hotel.

Taking control of his own health and diet

We are all very quick to eliminate Gluten. The issue, however, may be the result of the use of Glyphosate that is sprayed on the wheat crops. Glyphosate disrupts the gut microbiome and furthermore it affects the beneficial bacteria allowing pathogens to overgrow. This is the product that is used to spray paths and driveways to kill all weeds and grasses.

So the question we need to ask is it the gluten, the chemicals sprayed on the crops or the starch?

Dr. Martin has created an EthnoBotanica brand of foods that are traceable, traditional and organic. The Hotel Jnane Tamsna, Marrakech provides living proof that diet can restore leaky gut, reduce inflammation and thus eliminate pain.